Start time: 
Monday, 6 May 2013, 14:00 CEST
Presenter name: 
Gerhard Schleining
Presenter institution: 
Boku, Vienna

The Food Study programmes as well as several PhD-studies and information about "Students life"  of both Universities will be presented: 14:00 Introduction BOKU and ISEKI-Food Association (Gerhard Schleining, BOKU) 14:20 Introduction NCFU (Alexey Lodygin, NCFU), part 214:40 Emulsions for beverages and edible films (Elham Rezvani, BOKU) 15:00 Development of dairy beverages by means of dairy raw materials enzymatic treatment (Maria Greshnyakova, NCFU) 15:20 Food safety challenges, strategies and needs - selected examples (Andreas Höhl, BOKU) 15:40 Pulsed discharges technology of meat salting (Andrey Nagdalyan, NCFU) 16:00 BREAK 16:20 Transmission routes of Listeria monocytogenes in fishery production facilities (Marija Zunabovic, BOKU) 16:40 Fermented ice cream with lactulose (Valida Akhmedova, NCFU) 17:00 Raw-smoked sausage with adapted food units ( Tatyana Barsukovskaya, NCFU) 17:20 Student's life at BOKU (students, BOKU) 17:40 Conclusion (Gerhard Schleining, BOKU, Alexey Lodygin, NCFU)The full presentation and the recording of the session can only be accessed by IFA-members. Non IFA-members can ask for access against a small handling fee of 30 € at office [AT] iseki-food [dot] net