Timeline and important dates
- 1st January till 8th February 2019 (extended deadline): registration of the teams and submission of the project proposal (https://food-sta.eu/ssc-2019-registration-form-info)
- 15th February 2019: official communication of acceptance of the teams
- 26th February 2019 at 14H CET: Webinar 1- Introduction to the Competition (lead moderator: ISEKI).
- 19th March 2019 at 14H CET: Webinar 2- Student Presentation Webinar (lead moderator: UNIBO).
- 4th April 2019 at 14H CET: Webinar 3- ‘In the Field’ Webinar (lead moderator: UNIBO).
- 16th April 2019 at 14H CET: Webinar 4- Student Suggestion Webinar (lead moderator: UNIBO).
- Week of 6th May 2019 : Webinar 5- Project review. (moderated by ISEKI and UNIBO).
- 22nd May 2019 at 14H CET: Webinar 6- Soft Skills (lead moderator: ISEKI).
- 1st June 2019: submission of the project presentation and report.
- Download the template for the Final Report below.
- 19th June 2019 from 13H CET to 15H CET: Final presentation of all the projects at the ISEKI Virtual Workshop in Sustainable Aquaculture in the presence of industry and multiplayer representatives and presentation of the winners. Participation in the Final Virtual Workshop is open and free of charge to any interested person, but registration is necessary by clicking here.