- Teams of students apply on a voluntary basis and free of charge.
- Teams must be made of 3-to-5 (min-to-max) Master’s students registered in any food-related programme anywhere in the world.
- Teams must have 1 Team Leader and 1 Faculty Mentor. All team members, the team leader and the faculty mentor should be indicated on the registration form.
- All team members and the faculty mentor must be at the same university.
Project topic:
- At the application/registration, teams should present a project aimed to identify a solution to a problem. They then design and develop ideas, tools and actions to solve this real, industry-based issue with a solution that is doable and therefore that may be of interest to the food industry and/or the food chain.
- In this cycle of the Competition Game, teams and projects must be focused on strategies and actions aimed to improve Sustainable Aquaculture by addressing holistic and measurable quality. Sustainable may refer to environmental, economic and/or social, Measurable may be qualitative or quantitative, and Quality may refer to the process or the product. Project proposals dealing with feed or formulation changes; food safety; innovative production, processing or packaging; eco-preservation; innovations in distribution and logistics are some examples.
- All teams that are accepted will work independently on the development of their problem and its solution.
- The project does not require practical work in a lab and should instead be focused on finding the best solution to meet food company expectations in terms of health and safety risks, improvement of economic value, quality enhancement of the products, sustainability, etc.
Project evaluation:
- Teams will submit a report of maximum 4 pages and a ppt presentation of maximum 20 slides. These should be submitted by the fixed deadline by email to A format for the report can be found on The submitted ppt presentation will be presented at the IFA Virtual Workshop in Sustainable Aquaculture, an open and internationally disseminated event.
- Using a set of pre-defined evaluation criteria, the Scientific Board will evaluate the teams and find the winner on the basis of:
- The Project: The originality of the project. The match of the project to the competition aim. The innovativeness and potential exploitability of the project (application to industry and social, economic and environmental impact).
- The Written Report: The clarity and overall quality of the written report.
- The PPT Presentation: The clarity and overall quality of thee submitted ppt presentation. The clarity and overall quality of the oral presentation. Responses to questions at the Final Virtual Workshop.
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